Our Story

More than 50 years ago, Morris Sitt’s Seta and Jido (grandparents) set out to find the perfect gift for their beloved grandson. Morris’s father was heading into Hong Kong for business, so he made it a priority to be on the lookout for a unique gift that he could find on behalf of his own parents for his son.

Morris’s father met a jeweler in Hong Kong and crafted a star of David necklace with Morris’s name inside. His father drew a sketch of the star along with the letters that would remain within the star. (The letters that we use today come from Morris’s father's unique and personal font!). His father trekked back to the US with this precious and personalized star of David necklace in tow, ready to help gift it to his son along with his parents. 

When Morris received this necklace his connection to his parents, grandparents, and religion strengthened. This personalized piece was made just for him, worn close to the heart with such pride. He felt loved and felt special to his family because the piece went through countless jewelers, sketches, re-designs, miles of travel, and more just to get to him, Morris went through years of wearing it only on high holidays, to wearing it every single day. Now, he never takes it off!

Years later, Morris wanted to replicate his necklace for his grandchildren and after reaching out to many jewelers, they said it would be too complicated and too expensive. After finding a local jeweler from a connection, the first necklace was a success and was gifted to his first grandchild.

Today, he has gifted all his grandchildren with the classic star of David which was the exact design that he received all those years ago.

Picture this: At every grandchild’s bar/bat mitzvah he sits around the table with all his grandchildren and says; “This personalized Star of David necklace that I am about to give you was designed and delivered by your great grandfather and it was purchased by your great great grandparents for me. Now, I’m giving you your very own necklace with your own name inside that was handmade just for you with the exact same design that I have. Just like I am giving you this necklace, one day you will be able to pass down your necklace to your own grandchildren and namesakes. Wear it with pride and feel the family connection!”

Morris wants everyone around the world to be able to share in this unique familial bond. The  star of David symbol has long been a cherished five-pointed star within the Jewish religion. Wearing this symbol reminds the wearer about where they came from and what path to forge with their family’s values pointing the way. 

Create your own star and share your own story by wearing something around your neck that has so much meaning!